We want to see you enjoy yourself. We want to make you smile, give you an aha! or a dammit moment. That’s what really matters to us. We are into comics, pins, and negronis. But mostly telling stories. And listening to music on shuffle.
We probably play less than we should—it’s true. Just as true as the fact that our minds write checks our bodies can no longer cash. Or that we’re often running late. We have no talent for singing, programming, or saying gnocchi. And we’re not great at doing mainstream things. But we know how to cook paella, take care of the details, and build a team of experts in singing, programming, and saying gnocchi.
We like to do what we like. We are small but brave. Or just nuts. We are from everywhere and nowhere. We have a past, and multiple professional lives. We haven’t had time to rob a bank. But we have sunk several companies. Now we are what we always wanted to be. Craftsmen. And explorers. Always looking for new ways to tell stories in the confines of video games. Since 2017 until we get it right.